
Consultation helps us to stay in touch with what our and residents and customers need and want. This is especially important when we need to make difficult decisions that affect the people of «app.

When you take part in a consultation you help us to make good, informed decisions and provide the best service to the town.

Keep up-to-date with new consultations by signing up to our .

Southgate Playing Field Play Area has become increasingly difficult to maintain, several items have now either been removed and others are approaching a condition where removal is imminent. It receives regular complaints from concerned residents and is now considered one of the highest priority sites for investment. …

Closed 04 November 2022

As the Licensing Authority, we are required to publish a statement every three years, of the principles we propose to apply when exercising our functions under the Licensing Act 2005. Our current gambling licensing policy ends on 31 January 2023. These aim to: Prevent gambling being a source of crime or…

Closed 17 October 2022

Goffs Park, known affectionately by locals as “The People’s Park” is set in over 20 hectares of woodland, lawns and conservation habitats, in «app’s Southgate ward. We are undertaking consultation so that we can shape how we manage and invest in the park in the future. The consultation will be conducted across a…

Closed 29 September 2022

We are exploring the possibility of redeveloping the former Tilgate Youth Centre building, including adjacent amenity land, into a two-storey block of 6 flats. As part of these plans, we see it as paramount to consult with the local community and in particular, those residents directly located around the suggested…

Closed 26 September 2022

In December 2021, wepublished our ‘One Town’ Economic Recovery Plan and the Town Centre Regeneration Programme has been further updated to reflect the current needs of the town centre, priority areas for investment and regeneration and setting the future path to economic recovery from the pandemic. We welcome…

Closed 02 September 2022

We want to hear your views on introducing a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO), which would allow us to establish measures to address issues surrounding dog-related anti-social behaviour in Tilgate Park. The proposed PSPO will require all dogs to be on a lead at all times in the park and no dogs will be allowed…

Closed 27 March 2022

The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has launched a 12 week consultation on proposals to introduce tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs). TSMs will be part of the package of changes to consumer regulation set out in the Social Housing White Paper. The Reshaping Consumer Regulation document sets out how the RSH will…

Closed 03 March 2022

We would like to investigate the possibility of developing allotments in Furnace Green as it is one of two neighbourhoods in «app that does not have allotments. Help inform our decision by taking a quick survey.

Closed 25 February 2022

We would like to investigate the possibility of developing allotments in Maidenbower as it is one of two neighbourhoods in «app that does not have allotments. Help inform our decision by taking a quick survey.

Closed 25 February 2022

We are making some amendments to our car parks - «app Borough Council (off-street parking places) (amendment number 1) order 2022 This includes: To incorporate Kingsgate Car Park into the order. This car park is an existing car park that was previously run by NCP and has been acquired by the council …

Closed 26 January 2022