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The application can be viewed at the Licensing Section, «app Borough Council, Town Hall, The Boulevard, «app, RH10 1UZ, during normal office hours. Responsible authorities or any other person may make representation in writing on or before, in writing to the Team Leader, Health Safety and Licensing, «app Borough Council, Town Hall, The Boulevard, «app, RH10 1UZ The full application can be viewed at the above offices by appointment only from Monday to Friday. A summary is available on crawley.gov.uk It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application, and the maximum fine for which a person is liable is unlimited on summary conviction for the offence. Displaying your notice For a period of not less than 28 days, starting on the day after the day the application is accepted by «app Borough Council (the Licensing Authority), you must display a notice which is: at least A4 in size pale blue in colour printed legibly or typed in black ink in a font equal to or larger than 16 The notice must be displayed prominently on the premises to which the application relates where it can be conveniently read from its exterior. If your premises covers an area of more than fifty metres square, a further copy or copies of the notice must be displayed every 50 metres along the perimeter of the premises next to any highway and where passers-by can read them.     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