ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council
Notice is hereby given that ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council intends to vary the hackney carriage vehicle, private hire vehicle and operators licence fees in accordance with Section 70 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
Licence fees and charges
Private Hire vehicles
Private Hire operator - new and renewal
Hackney Carriage vehicles
Copies of the proposed variation of fees are available for remote inspection by prior appointment with the below named person.
A copy of this notice will be available within the public notice board at the front of ºù«ÍÞapp Borough Council’s Town Hall.
There was no increase in relation to these fees and charges in 2022 to 2023.
Any person who wishes to make any objections or representations relating to the above fees may do so in writing to:
Kareen Plympton, Team Leader, Health, Safety and Licensing, Taxi Licensing Section, Community Services, Town Hall, The Boulevard, ºù«ÍÞapp, West Sussex, RH10 1UZ or by email kareen.plympton@crawley.gov.uk by 22 February 2023.
If no objections are made within the 28 day objection period the proposed fees will come into force on 1 April 2023.