Emergency planning resources
Emergency planning involves assessing threats and preventing them, tackling major emergencies that occur and restoring a new normality afterwards.
We are responsible for creating a Major Emergency Plan for ºù«ÍÞapp, we also:
- Assess Risks
- Prepare and maintain plans
- Arrange training, events and emergency exercises
- Provide the council response to Emergency Incidents
- Debriefing after an incident
What we provide
- The generic Major Emergency Plan
- Specific emergency plans
- Communications systems (several means of communication are maintained in order to ensure contact with service managers and partner agencies is resilient)
- Emergency Planning Officers via a dedicated line to a 24 hour council facility
- Service Emergency Contact Officers across council functions to organise and manage support operations
- Emergency Control Centre (and back up centre availability)
- Reception centres across the borough
- Welfare supplies
- Emergency food supplies
- Emergency clothing
- Council staff resources and expertise
- Mutual aid arrangements with neighbouring local authorities
- Assistance from the voluntary agencies
- An extensive database of emergency contact details
- Various information leaflets